Them Dank Memes: Dreamy Book Covers


The Rules: 

1. Thank the lovely person who tagged you, spread the love!

2. Mention me, Tiana @ The Book Raven as the (insert adjective here) creator of this book tag!

3. Use the original tag image in your post. (However, feel free to add whatever other graphics your heart desires!)

4. At least tag 1 fellow blogger for this tag. Even if you’re like me sometimes and feel a bit lazy. 😉

5. List the rules.

Finally, a book meme post! I got this from Sofii @ A Book. A Thought. who tagged her followers to do it. (Thank you so much! I’ve been wanting to do one of these for a while.) And thank you to Tiana @ The Book Raven for creating this. It’s as amazing as you! ❤

So many dreamy book covers to ooh and aah over. Shall we?

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